The Grave of the Unknown Warrior is one of the most famous remembrance memorials in the country but Westminster Abbey's connections to remembrance stretch far beyond this grave's poppy border. Unearth the story of the Unknown Warrior, make a poppy and explore the stained-glass windows of the RAF chapel.
Field of Remembrance
Find out what the Field of Remembrance is and how long it has been happening. Reflect on how you remember people who are special to you.

Battle of Britain
Explore the stained-glass windows in Westminster Abbey that remember the Battle of Britain. Reflect on how we can mark important moments in history.

The Unknown Warrior's journey
Discover the journey of the Unknown Warrior to Westminster Abbey and how he came to rest here over 100 years ago.

Make your very own poppy for Remembrance day and find out about the Grave of the Unknown Warrior.

Visiting the Abbey
Westminster Abbey is a brilliant place for families to visit. There are animals to spot and stories to discover as you walk round. With over 3,000 people buried and remembered in the Abbey, there really is something for everyone to get excited about.
We run family activities on a variety of themes on Saturdays throughout the year and during local school holidays too. Explore the Abbey and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Galleries with help from our exciting family trails.