Trails for self-led visits

For self-led visits, why not use one of our downloadable trails. They’re a great way to get the most out of your visit and learn more about Westminster Abbey. Most of our trails are aimed at Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3. We would recommend spending 1-1.5 hours at the Abbey.

Abbey Highlights

Abbey Highlights is the perfect trail to help you explore this ancient royal church. See where monarchs are crowned, stand where poets and scientists lie buried and view the magnificent medieval architecture. This is a great introduction to Westminster Abbey.

Suitable for: KS2

Illustrated Abbey Highlights trail, featuring the title on a yellow banner, a headshot of St Edward the Confessor, the Coronation Chair and in the corner part of the West Towers of Westminster Abbey


Photograph of the empty nave of Westminster Abbey, with the Grave of the Unknown Warrior surrounded by poppies in the forefront, representing the Abbey Highlights trail teachers notes

Teachers' notes

Christian Life and Worship

Use this trail to find and identify the symbolic shapes, objects and colours inside this ancient Christian church. Learn about important parts of Christian worship including prayer, music, and the sacraments of baptism and Holy Communion.

Suitable for: KS2 and KS3

Angled illustration crop of the Christian life and worship trail, featuring a thought bubble next to an image of Jesus Christ and a portion of the Last Supper painting in Westminster Abbey


Photograph of the nave altar covered in a green altar cloth, surrounded by four candles, in front of the quire screen within an empty Westminster Abbey representing the Christian life and worship trail teachers notes

Teachers' notes

Kings, Queens and Coronations

Follow the journey of a new monarch using this coronations trail. View the ancient Coronation chair, learn about the Crown Jewels and stand next to the spot where monarchs have been crowned since 1066. You can also view the tombs of past kings and queens.

Suitable for: KS2

Close-up angled view of illustrated kings, queens and coronations trail featuring a matching exercise to do with the orb and sceptre


Photograph of the back of the Coronation Chair on the High Altar, as positioned during coronation ceremonies, representing the Kings, Queens and Coronations trail teachers notes

Teachers' notes


Learn about the Tudors and some of the religious changes brought about by Henry VIII. All Tudor monarchs were crowned at Westminster Abbey, and most are buried in the spectacular chapel built by Henry VII. Have fun exploring the symbolism of the Tudor tombs.

Suitable for: KS2 and KS3

Angled illustration crop of the Tudors trail, featuring Henry VIII and Elizabeth I illustrations as well as a crop of Westminster Abbey


Photograph of the ceiling of the Lady Chapel in Westminster Abbey, featuring a fan-vaulted ceiling and Order of the Bath flags, representing the Tudors trail teachers notes

Teachers' notes

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